Tuesday, January 26, 2010

You Would Cry Too, If It Happened to You

Dearest Readers,
I never thought it could happen to me. I was robbed. Don’t worry; it’s probably not what you think. No one attacked me at gunpoint or any craziness like that; however, it was a frightening tale of woe that has led to my now permanent distrust of humanity (okay slight exaggeration but still).
I was studying dutifully on the seventh floor of Alden Library. For those of you who have never been there, it is the best floor of the library ever. The tables are right next to the huge glass windows allowing you to see out for miles. I was minding my own business, when I had to print meaning I had to go the center of the seventh floor. Leaving my notebooks strewn in a disorderly mess on the table, my backpack on the ground, and my laptop on the table, I employed my friend at a nearby table to watch my belongings.
After printing took longer than expected (of course it did, it’s alden), my friend had to leave for class, so I told her I’d be back for my stuff in a minute. However, nature called, so I grabbed my laptop and headed to the bathroom. PLEASE NOTE MY MISTAKE HERE: leaving the rest of my belongings on my table unattended. Upon my return, the table was just as I’d left it and I returned to my homework, but when I went to grab for my backpack I discovered it was MISSING. *MOMENT OF PANIC*
Now, I normally am irrational so I tried to calm myself as I hard-core sprinted through the stacks in search of my missing bag. As I realized this was not a cruel joke, the truth hit me. I had been robbed. Not only that, but on my most beloved of floors. Oh cruel fate!
After tears in the bathroom, and a panicked questioning of all those who happened to be on the seventh floor at the time (my apologies, because in my mind I was accusing all of you), I had to go to class. Luckily, all that was in my backpack of any importance was my i-pod. Still…ouch.
Three hours later I returned to the library with friends, and stumbled upon none other than my backpack!!! Granted, it was ransacked and pilfered and left in the midst of the seventh floor stacks. My i-pod was gone, along with my drivers license, and 15 dollars of cash. The rest was left! Oh joyous day! I know it seems strange, but I felt so blessed in that moment.
When someone steals from you, you don’t feel that upset about what they took, but more, that someone could invade your privacy so easily. It shakes you. When my things were (mostly) returned, I was just pleased to have the little things that mean nothing to the thief, but a lot to me: some orange ginger hand lotion, my classy water bottle.
Lesson to be learned here: It can happen to anyone. Watch your stuff!

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