Monday, November 14, 2011


Dearest Readers,

I haven’t updated this blog in literally years (it’s actually been mildly amusing to re-read things written by my naïve freshman self), but I needed a forum to vent and post my thoughts. So that’s the only explanation I have.

Some days you wonder what you are doing it all for. Not like I-want-to-end-my-life-what-am-I-living-for, but more of a what am I doing that is going to have any impact? Am I doing what I am passionate about? Who am I really?

And let me tell you, that makes me even less inclined to study for my political science final. Not that I don’t think law and sexuality is relevant, I actually think it is one of the most relevant classes I’ve taken, but what am I going to do with it? How am I going to apply what I have learned in these years of college to do something to improve the world?

Junior year of college is like that, I guess. You come in as a freshman with big ambitions, and then you realize that though they may be attainable, it comes at a cost. Sure, you can spend all of your free time working at a publication, but would you like to have friends, a social life or a significant other? If so, you may want to rethink that bold professional choice.

This is the year I have spent the most time contemplating life beyond college. It’s not that I am scared of the job market or anything (though I probably should be), it’s that I have been questioning how I will make the most out of my time in my early 20s. Those are the years when I can afford to be selfish in my career pursuits. I don’t have to worry about a family that needs my fiscal support.

But the 20s do set the stage for the rest of my life. Should I be thinking grad school, or should I take time off? Should I be considering law school, or do I even like law? How much do I actually love journalism, and what about my other dreams?
What I suffer from is lack-of-inspiration-ism. I am spending all this time trying to receive As in my classes, but how is that actually going to serve me later in life? I sacrifice sleep and more dedication to student organizations to do well in class, but are academics getting in the way of what I really want to do? But that begs the question, what is it I really want to do?

I don’t know why I am currently suffering from these existential musings. I don’t think that they are unique to just me; I know for a fact many friends are going through the same things. It just seems that these thoughts are going to matter more soon. I am proud of the person I have become in college and the things I have pursued, but I am feeling more pressure to figure out big kid things. I need to decide what I want to be when I grow up, because I’m almost to the point where I have to push off and do just that: grow up, outside of the cocoon of academics.

What have other people done to combat this? Have you sat down with someone you trust? Have you read some really awesome book? I would love random pieces of advice.


Adorkable ... who's older now

Sunday, January 9, 2011

A Way With Words

Dearest Readers,

Today, words were easy. Do you know what I mean? As a writer, I am a firm believer that some days I really am better with words than others. Most days, I struggle to see the sentence ahead, and it’s an ongoing struggle to extract intelligent and coherent words from my unfocused mind. However, once in a great while, words are brimming in my brain. I want to use words like taciturn and frivolous and verisimilitude. How can I work them into a sentence on my asinine homework assignment? It’s like having all these tools suddenly at your finger tips, and you are itching to use them to their upmost.

I don’t understand the impetus for these “good writing days.” Is my brain running on something more, am I in a better mood, am I reading more intelligent, verbose works? I wish I knew how to harness these days and use them to my advantage. Today, I have no major writing assignments, but I have 3 stories due later this week. Could I bottle up this way with words and use it later? Please? Maybe words work today simply because I have nothing I am supposed to write about at the moment.

One of my favorite feelings is finding out it’s a “good writing day.” It happens accidentally. You go to form a sentence, and it’s so effortless. Your brain is chugging along merrily, and the homework you dread to write seems to slide from your keyboard onto the page. I just realized this could be one of the nerdier topics I’ve traversed in this blog, but if you, oh brave reader, are a writer, then you know what I mean. I don’t know if it’s universal. Maybe scientists have days when chemistry is a breeze or doctors think diagnosing is a snap. Or maybe it’s just writers; Writers whose brains are begging to be put to use through a well-structured sentence and an accurately assigned adjective. (Look at that ace alliteration!)



ps. The picture is just my favorite image ever (since truer words were never spoken) and is only partially related to my post.