Thursday, October 28, 2010

Happy Girls Are Prettiest

Dearest Readers,
These past few weeks have been a hot mess of exams and general shenaniganry...however,it is finally starting to slow down in the lull between midterms and finals. (once finals hit, I will be lucky to see my room for longer than the 6 hours a day I am sleeping.) My past few weeks can be summed up by this little poetic moment I had a week or so ago:
What a decadent fall night, she thought from her perch by the library window. She sighed woefully, pushing her hesitant pencil forward to complete the task at hand. She shifted her eyes back to the page, but her mind…her mind danced with the leaves.
(I know...I know...I could be the next robert frost...bahaha...)
But seriously, I feel like I have been trapped indoors as the leaves have gushed gorgeous autumn-y shades, so I have been toiling to find personal inspiration during this time. These are inspirations I have found on other blogs lately, and feel like they are worth sharing, so that one of these may brighten your day, as they have so oft brightened mine!

This comes from a new fave blog called:'s super presh...despite the sort of depressing sounding name. This just made me giggle, because it pretty accurately depicts how I try to live.

This just conjures images of people laying amongst the leaves and pointing to everything can that not make you smile...right now the beautiful thing I can see is my pumpkin franklin who is miraculously still alive sitting on my desk! (remember, faithful readers, that I got franklin at the Paw Paw festival a few weeks ago) well he is alive and fab pal. and all the credit for this pic goes to the Words I Love web page...that I currently love myself (see how I made a joke there...i love words i love...heh heh heh).

This is a print available from The Black Apple's Etsy. If you are not already an etsy afficionado, which you should be, the website sells all handmade art work. It is so fun to explore....or to distract you from the homework you probably should be doing. But as I have been spending all my spare time reading Harry Potter, this suits me pretty well.

How sick is this bike??!! I want it right now....and I want it blow bubbles out the back while I'm at it. This picture comes from a flickr collection by intrepidacious. I just think this is so creative, and hilarious when juxtaposed against the construction sight behind it.

Well those are all the images I have for now, but I decided I am going to continue collecting and sharing images on a tumblr (a type of blog this is more conducive to sharing pictures)...and my tumblr is called The Girl Who Played With Chalk (pretty clever...right?). It has all these images and more, because I want this blog to be focused on words for now. I hope these fun interwebs images have inspired you a bit, or lead you to more pictures that you like (that's how I found these). In my own real life, I have been inspired by seeing my little brother's first homecoming (gush!), the changing fall leaves, playing in pumpkin patches, and looking forward to my trip this weekend to....THE RALLY TO RESTORE SANITY AND/OR FEAR!! How sick is that going to be (though I will miss Athens halloween...but really, it's okay in the name of Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert.) Moral of the story is: get inspired and keep finding ways to inspire yourself as the seasons change and you are trapped more and more indoors.

Hope you all are doing well this fine and fabulous fall day!


ps. new blog name possibility: the girl who played with chalk...thoughts?


  1. What a charming post. :-)

    PS I am amused at how often you think up new names for your blog.

    PS 2 Have fun meeting my cousin/roommate this weekend!
