Wednesday, June 2, 2010

The End of the Beginning: Reflections of a College Freshman

Dearest Readers,

I am coming to the end of the beginning. How bizarre. If you think about it, this whole blog has been predicated on the premise that I am a mumbling, stumbling freshman … and I am almost not a freshman anymore. When did that happen? It’s like I’ve been in college forever and yet not at all. I feel like I looked to college as this colossal beast that I would conquer with my witty cracks and poised pen, and now I feel like it’s just the way I live, no conquering is really involved. What a strange place I’m in. I feel the need to blather about this, because I know I’m not the only one.

So I am going to dedicate this post to the things I’ve learned. Because Ohio University is on trimesters (which is great for the whole year until right now), I am still in school until mid June (aka next week) while all of my high school friends are already free and up to their general shenaniganry without me, so I feel like I want to be home so badly I am not giving this year the closure it deserves. As much as I’ve complained and hated this or that, I’ve thoroughly enjoyed this year as a freshman finding my way. So as I’ve ambled through this year, here is what I’ve found through sheer trial and error (and for some reason I am under the impression that you will want to read it … ):

1. You don’t have to love college all the time. Now don’t get me wrong here people, overall love should exist. But I had myself convinced I had to have the best 4 years of my life so I better love every second. That’s not possible. Don’t panic when you don’t love it sometimes (Not that I ever did that….that would be silly…*I did*). College, like all parts of life, has its ups and downs.

2. Separate yourself from school. It’s easy when you live on campus to be totally caught up in school (aka homework) all the time. Let yourself breathe. You will only focus when you have given yourself a necessary mental break. I have tried this quarter to be more focused when I study and to relax more when I’m relaxing (seems kind of counter intuitive doesn’t it…forcing relaxation), but it has really helped my productivity.

3. Find creative things to do and actually do them. College campuses have the randomest and coolest things (I know fab word choices) to do that you really can’t do anywhere else. Go see the modern dance performance, watch the Shakespeare play, go to ‘90s night on the green, get a water massage, go to the farmer’s market, see the graphic art exhibit, and check out the improv shows (hint nudge). Just hanging with people is great, but try to live and experience life at college too.

4. Connect with where you live. For some colleges this is easier than others, but in Athens, there is a program called Service Living where you volunteer in the town 3 hours a week and talk about the area weekly. While I wasn’t always the most committed to the meetings, I learned so much about where I was. Because really how can you establish roots somewhere when you don’t even know the ground beneath you? (didn’t that sound so deep and philosophical…I should make inspirational magnets! Does that profession even exist?)

5. Find your niche. Join something where you have a solid comfort group. They don’t have to be your besties for life, but it is really important to find like-minded support systems. Just really commit to one activity, organization, or dorm floor. Sometimes it takes a while to find your true niche, so don’t panic. You’ll find it. You are a fabulous person. (Yes I mean you…you’re welcome…forward all thank you cards to my blog…tee hee).

6. Don’t burn yourself out. I don’t know anything about this … joke … I know everything about this. In high school you can do everything to a certain extent, because everything only requires 100% … In college, everything requires 150%, ergo you can’t do it all. Take it from a girl who can’t say no, learn to say no. You have to let yourself enjoy the social aspects of college and even your classes. Don’t lose sight of those things. Pick a few things and deeply commit yourself, because if you’re stretched too thin you will never survive and won’t love anything anymore.

7. It is all about you. As I said in a previous post, I have been told that college is the one time it is all about you. So do what is best for you. When you are unhappy, fix it. When you want to join something, do it. When you want to attend something your friends don’t want to, go to it. Do something crazy, and live for heaven’s sake before you get smart enough to realize it’s an inane idea.

Lesson to be learned: As my idol Auntie Mame of the play Auntie Mame (I played her in a high school play … time of my life) “Life is a banquet and most poor suckers are starving to death!” This isn’t a literal message here, folks. Take a second to think abut that quote, reread it or something, there is so much to live for that people don’t take advantage of, so live while you can.

Well, this ended up being much more philosophical then I expected (I literally just started typing and all of these things came out … who knew I had all of this pent up advice? I didn’t that’s for sure). In the end, I guess I am a bit wiser after this year, but not in any of the way’s I expected. Well that’s college for you … nothing like what you expect … not bad, just different and in many ways so much better. :] I’m really interested to hear what all the graduated freshman learned this year!! Did you learn similar lessons or have something you would add to my clearly really complete list?

Thanks for reading with me this year, and don’t worry this blog will continue even though the year is ending. But seriously, thanks for keeping tabs on me this year everybody. A big kiss on the forehead for each of you *swack* (I think that is the accepted kiss noise … though I don’t know if I really agree)

Sophomorically Yours, (get it … sophomorically…hee hee)


ps. the picture is mine again yay!!

pps. my blog is basically in love with another blog by one of my ou journalism bffs the nerdsmith (seriously his blog is nerdify yourself and mine is's a match made in blog heaven) you can check it out here.


  1. All of your advice points to one thing: college is not a place, it is not an event, it is not a thing. It is the beginning of your adult life. It's more than just school, it's more than just being away from home. You can't love it all the time, there's no way. Life always has ups and downs.

    Your advice is fantastic. Read through each one of those things and realize: those are tips to follow no matter where you are in life!

  2. that was so nice tom thank you so much!!!!!
    i never thought about how these points could be universally applicable. i am so much more sage than I thought.
