Friday, February 12, 2010

Let It Snow, Let It Snow, Let It Snow

Dearest Readers,
From my perch on the seventh floor of Alden library, Athens looks like the quintessential winter wonderland. Snow piles delicately on tree branches, which stand in stark contrast to the blue sky. Snowflakes land on eye lashes and hats and shoulders (like dandruff only cooler).
Yet the students complain of the following: ‘It’s slushy,’ ‘It’s cold,’ ‘I can’t feel my [insert limb here].’ Granted, I have had those days. I have woken up on the wrong side of the bed and the early morning walk is frigid and unpleasant, but seriously kids this is gorgeous and wintery and FABULOUS!!!
Think of it this way: When you were younger, snow was the equivalent of kraft macaroni and cheese (aka the best thing ever). You would run about, fall over, make snow angels, create forts, have snow ball fights, build snowmen, careen on your sled, and return to your home numb all over, cheeks a fabulous shade of tomato red, exhausted and utterly satisfied. Now come on college kids, we all know that we are still just as immature as our younger selves (we prove that on a daily basis), so what happened to this love for the snow?
I know we have school work and homework and blah blah blah blah blah. Part of college is learning to live better: to balance the work with the social, the homework with the fun. It’s sounds horrendously cliché, but what happened to living in and for the moment?
Lesson to be learned: Give yourself an hour to romp in the snow, because wailing someone with a huge snowball and watching it slide painfully down the inside of their jacket is just as satisfying as ever. I promise.
Blizzardly yours,

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